The PDA Collection

This page provides a look at some other handheld machines that I own and newsitems related
to "the collection." I am currently collecting PDA's that I consider to be posessing of some
quality that sets them part from the lot. Well, if I find a really good deal on a not-so-unique
handheld, I might take hold of it as well.... At any rate, here's what I've got, and some words
about each. Enjoy.
HP OmniGo 100 |
Amstrad PDA-600 |
Motorola Envoy |
Sony MagicLink |
Newton MP2100 |
Newton MP100 |
(Click on an image for more info about that unit.)
4/20/98 - Acquired Newton MessagePad 100
Purchased another PDA from Arnold, a Newton MessagePad 100 (exact same unit as the Original
MessagePad but with a somewhat more recent OS version) for $50. In excellent condition, this
MessagePad has a welcome place in my collection.
Also, while in Richmond, we managed to once again lay our all of the PDA's we have between
us and get a digital photo. Click for larger image.

4/9/98 - More MagicLink Toys
Over the past few weeks I've bought some used hardware/software off the net for my
MagicCap-based handhelds (the Envoy and MagicLink).
I've acquired a PC link cable with connectivity software (hard to come by), a 1mb SRAM card, and
some software, including Graffiti. Graffiti is much nicer than QuickPrint, the HWR software on
my MagicCap v1.5-based Motorola Envoy (the MagicLink lacked HWR as QuickPrint is not bundled with
MagicCap v1.0, which is on the MagicLink) and expands the functionality of these machines
significantly. These MagicCap machines are indeed quite a joy to use.
3/23/98 - Received the MagicLink!
The MagicLink PIC-1000 came COD today. Excellent condition. I'm quite pleased with this one.
Click on the image above for more info. I am surprised how much I like MagicCap.
3/18/98 - Sony MagicLink PIC-1000
I located someone selling an unused Sony MagicLink 1000 for $75 with full docs, box, etc. Ordered
it with some software. Should be here within a week. The MagicLink 1000 is basically a Motorola
Envoy without the wireless communications, and with better landline communications. Internally
they are almost identical. Should be nifty. Runs MagicCap 1.0. I'll speak more of it when I
receive the unit.
3/15/98 - The PDA Collection Page Goes Online
The page on which this newsitem is written went online today!!
3/14/98 - Acquired Amstrad PDA-600 And Motorola Envoy
This weekend I headed down to Richmond to visit my friend Arnold (of Nemesis Productions) who
is a PDA freak as well. (Click on the thumbnail image below to view a quick pic I took of all of our
combined PDA's.) While there, I picked up a Motorola Envoy 100 which Arnold had ordered for
me over the net ($70 with extra battery and charger, not bad). I'm extremely impressed with this
Magic Cap-based device, which truly is
an amazing machine, especially when you consider when it came out (1993). For more info on Magic Cap,
check out General Magic's web page. What is especially fine
is the fact that the Magic Cap OS, which has been a "dead OS" for several years, has recently been
reborn with the recent introduction of the Oki DataRover 840, which is higlighted on General Magic's
I also picked up (was given, actually) an Amstrad PDA-600, a device that debuted in 1992 in
Europe (don't think it was sold in the US) which was one of the very first PDA's. It has character
recognition and a suite of quite basic, built-in applications. Interesting machine. It was actually
an unused unit which came in an unopened box, sold in a liquidation for $40. Not a bad price.
For more info
on either of these devices, click on their picture(s) above.

3/3/98 - Acquired HP OmniGo 100
Well, I shelled out for a used PDA. I should be receiving, early next week, a used (but
excellent condition) HP OmniGo 100. I have always found GEOS (the OmniGo's OS) to be interesting,
but never actually had a machine that ran it (it was available for the Commodore 64/128, the Casio
Zoomer PDA, etc.). The OminoGo is also interesting in that although it does sport a small keyboard,
the 240x240 LCD display can be flipped all the way around behind the unit for use in a "writing
pad" orientation (see picture links below). At any rate, I just thought I'd mention it here.
Should be fun to play with.
OmniGo page 1,
OmniGo page 2 (with demo),
OmniGo FAQ,
Pic 1,
Pic 2,
Pic 3